Here is my two cents on the #istandwithcherish saga. I think for me, it's easy to understand how things happen because I have kids, they are all over the place, they give me gray hairs and I am really busy aside from needing to care for them.
Yet, I think this situation can teach us a lot of we would be willing to be teachable. It is not okay to leave your kid anywhere, they are completely dependent on you, they need you to be in reality WITH them, and there are numerous and unfortunate consequences that can happen to them. I think as moms we're are always on this bend to be the very best we can be for EVERYONE, not just our kids. Our family, our friends, our church callings, our community and ourselves.
I think the times when people are making these mistakes, they are on autopilot. They are doing the humdrum of the day or they are in a rush for something or someone else. They are NOT in reality with their kids at that moment. This means that they are thinking of where they should be, where they are going, what project they are goint to do next, etc... I am not a perfect parent at all and have made my fair share of mistakes, but I think the thing that has saved my kids from a mistake like this has been simple routines that I do with them to put myself in reality with them and not my impending projects.
I hold all three of their hands (Ethan holds my hand and Caitlyn holds the other one, Tatum is old enough she doesn't have to, although I like her to) in parking lots, always. I count their heads everytime. When getting out of my car at home, I do the same thing. I make sure I see them all enter my van, and exit it. I make myself, no matter what, be apart of their reality even if I have a pressing need. The times that I am in a rush to go buy something or do something, I still do these routines because they are my #1 priority. I know that if something happens to them, I can never have them back! Small steps can save our children everyday.
Yet, I can totally empathize with Cherish. One time, Tatum was almost hit by a truck pulling out of a driveway when she was almost 2 years old. Someone jumped out in front of the truck, seeing that she had gotten away from me when I was pulling her diaper bag out of the car and they saved her life (It would have happened in less than one minute!). Please remember to count your children everytime you get in your car and out of your car and even as you are leaving a store. Make sure your kids are always holding onto either your arm/hand or purse in parking lots (get them into the habit of always being at your side no matter what). If you have tons of kids, make them hold each others' hands and you hold onto the smallest.
I am not an expert parent, I am just giving you a glimpse into my routine with my kids. I think doing things like this can help all of us to not make mistakes like this. Sometimes it seems inevitable, only we don't want the consequaence to be so dire that we lose our kids.
I think instead of shaming anyone, we could encourage a learning experience.
1. Always be in reality with your kids, especially when entering a vehicle, in a parking lot, exiting a store, entering your vehicle and exiting the vehicle.
2. Hold hands with them all or have them all hold hands with each other always!!
3. Count their heads everytime you get ready to leave to go anywhere (in the van, out of the van, in the store, in the parking lot).
Okay, I am getting off my soapbox. I know inacting routines like this aren't easy, but our kids are worth it!