I try very very hard not to completely go off about politics because
1) I am not as informed as I would like to be
2) so as not to offend others
3) My Mother taught me three things you don't talk about
Sorry Mom but I am breaking that rule today. I have had enough of our governments' sneaky and snide way they have pushed this health care bill into law, into our government. Anyone who hasn't heard or seen what this sort of health care bill does to a nation, just google Argentina. Anyone who believes Biden, Obama and Pelosi that this bill will help those with pre existing conditions, and help the ones who have been denied coverage, please ask yourself this, have those three up held ANY of their promises since being elected into office? Not a whip have any of those three upheld their promises! Instead of taking troops out of Afghanistan or in the war in general, Obama has sent thousands more in! Without any clear viable plan of trying to find an end to the war. If there is a plan, it's been wishy washy! Pelosi spent thousands of taxpayer dollars along with other left wings on an all out vacation! And we (the pee ons) are broke! We just heard our so great and wonderful VP drop the F bomb yesterday on national television.
The Republicans and Democrats alike voted for Obama. Voted for "change." There was a lot of dissension in our own church because many people were so sick of Bush and they yearned for this "change" Obama so promised. One of my sister in laws even got in an argument with a friend who was a member of the church and wanted this "change." her argument with with my sister was "research your candidates" (Obama and McCain were in the running against each other at that point) and she even wrote on her blog the day after their argument saying that she thought my sister in law needed to research her candidates better. Well I am sure my Sister in Law's friend had researched that Obama voted for partially aborted live babies to be placed in a room to suffer til death instead of salvaging their lives! I am sure she had researched that he smokes, and even drinks with celebrities and other members of staff very Wednesday night at the White House. I am sure that she researched that still to this day we don't even know if Obama was born in Hawaii or Kenya. His own Grandmother said she was there in Kenya at his birth. I am sorry but I am frankly so tired of this crap and I know right where I stand and I know others are entitled to their beliefs. However at this point, those who support of Obama and his band are being def and stubborn to the facts.
The people of this nation will suffer undoubtedly because of this health care bill and because of Obama's bail out crap (where AIG just gave out as bonus money to their top people in the company). Call me a liar in 2-3 years if our country is thriving and strong because of it. But I doubt that. I may seem like an Obama hater til the end, but I wasn't always. (I still don't hate him, I hate his choices) When he was first elected I thought to myself, I will give this guy a little chance. Maybe what he promises will help us. Within his first year, he spent more money than any president we've ever had. That was enough for me.
I can't deny that my rant today was somewhat fueled with anger and anxiety. However I ask whoever reads my post this: Are you grateful for this country, and the constitution? When I ask this, i seriously want you to think about the constitution that our founding fathers made for us as a nation. George Washington and many other great men saved our ancestors from oppression and set down some extremely great "guidelines" in the constitution that have made our nation the promised land. I know that many have voted for change, but please don't want this change bad enough that our constitutional values will be void. We value God, so we put our trust in him on our coins, and we mention him in the Pledge of Allegiance (which Obama refuses to even say! But if he's really a citizen it wouldn't matter would it?) and many want their right not to use currency with "god" on it because of their beliefs. I don't even want to get into the sanctity of marriage because of those who make a mockery of it's sacredness. I have had gay friends that I care about as people and do my best not to judge, what I don't agree with is public gays (such as Rosie O'donnel) criticizing republicans for their beliefs and humiliating our standards. Don't even get me started with Joy Behar, she's not even gay! I am about through here but please remember what I have said about the constitution. You don't have to fully accept my opinion, but remember our ancestors came here to avoid oppression, lets not support the "change" that threatens to put us back in the place that our founding fathers saved us from.
Jennifer Marie Putnam
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