Monday, March 18, 2013

Spring Break (Went by too fast) and a video by Carol Tuttle :)

Hi there! Well we just ended our spring break, and it was nice having Tate home for a week to hang out with. She and her friends got creative and sold some of their necklaces they made and went to the dollar store and bought stuff with the money earned. They played outside a whole bunch and got really dirty. We also have been taking up softball and I bought Ethan and Tatum bats. They are naturals!! We have really had so much fun taking advantage of this beautiful spring weather. We also went swimming twice! Caitlyn was not bashful of the water one bit and it was not cold at all (it was heated, thankfully).

                                               Caitlyn, first time in her swimming suit. :)

Now moving on a little. For those of you who looked up your type after reading my last blog post about Carol Tuttle, you might enjoy this video I found where Carol and others discuss how your driving style tells more about what type you are. The type 4 woman is so much like me in that she says that she would get angry and critigue the other drivers. This is so me. Anyways, I hope you enjoy what they have to say. It is so interesting to me and I have learned so much about Carol Tuttle.
Here is another video explaining how the energy types can have so much to do with how your body is structured. Sorry about only having the link to the top video, I am having a hard time learning how to post videos! :) Enjoy!!

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